Tag Archives: Tyler TX birth photographer

Tyler TX birth photography

Birth of Baby P. | Tyler TX Birth Photography

This precious baby boy was welcomed by his strong mama, loving grandma, and, later, his proud big brother!

Birth of Baby M. | Tyler, TX Doula

This absolutely precious baby girl was in such a hurry to arrive that she just didn’t wait at all and was born into her daddy’s hands on their bedroom floor with no one else in

Birth of Baby J. | Tyler, TX Birth Photography

This precious girl was very eager to enter the world. She didn’t wait for the birth photographer or barely the doctor to make her appearance! Her mama was an amazing strong birther, and this

Birth of Baby T. | Tyler, TX Birth Photography

I don’t know if I have ever seen a first-time birthing mother be so calm in labor. She was amazing!!

Birth of Baby R. | Tyler, TX Birth Photography

This third-time mama was so amazing to watch in labor. Strong and in control and powerful. The attending obstetrician, previously a midwife, encouraged the mother to push and birth on

Birth of Baby K | Tyler, TX Birth Photography

A rainbow baby, little Keshet was so ready to join his precious family that he did not want to wait until term. Their first hospital birth out of five babies, his parents hung in there and welcomed

Sweet Baby B. | Tyler TX Fresh 48 Photography

This cutie was about 30 hours old before I got to come see her. What a sweet chunky baby girl!  

Birth of Baby M. | Grand Saline Birth Photography

This baby was so eager to come into the world and join her amazing family that she almost did not wait for the midwives and me to get there! We made it with 10-15 minutes to spare! Her older sister

Birth of Baby Noriah | Tyler, TX Birth Photography

I was so blessed to be at all three of this lovely mama’s births! This one, her birthing time went so fast near the end that by the time her midwife, her doula, and me got there, the baby was

Birth of Thomas William | East Texas Birth Photography

Birth of Thomas William I was so blessed to be the photographer at the birth of Thomas William! It was a lovely homebirth, this couple’s third baby. The mama, Ruth Anne, and her husband, Roy,

Birth of Baby Olivia: Sneak Peek / East TX Birth Photography

Here is a sneak peek of the birth photos of beautiful Olivia. This precious daughter was born at home with lots of loving support from her family. Her big 4-year-old sister even acted as doula to her

The Birth of Nathan H. – Birth Photography

This absolutely adorable baby boy came into the world after a long and challenging labor. The mama was such a trooper and Baby Nathan pretty much came out smiling! An early morning walk after 10

A Face-first Presentation Birth!

Did you know that babies can be born in many different ways? Yes, the most typical presentation is vertex, like this: Others are born breech, looking sideways, or, in the case of one of my more

Newborn Session – Kidron Jair

So I am way behind in updating my blog! Probably because I’ve had almost a birth a week for the past month and a half. Plus I’m 11 weeks pregnant with our third child, so you all knows

The Birth of Eric H. – Birth Photography

I was so blessed to be able to photographer at the birth of Eric H. His mama Megan, had been in labor since the morning, and contractions were starting to pick up when I got to the birth center

Capturing the Moment: A Lovely Home/Waterbirth in Pictures

I had the immense privileged and pleasure of being the birth photographer for one of my friends, Brandi, last week. It was the birth of her third child, a boy. She had him in the comfort of her home