A Face-first Presentation Birth!

Did you know that babies can be born in many different ways? Yes, the most typical presentation is vertex, like this:


Others are born breech, looking sideways, or, in the case of one of my more recent births I had the blessing to photograph, face first! Below is a picture I captured as the baby was coming out. I love how her sweet lips are pursed and her tongue is sticking out! It’s as if she is saying, “See? I’ll be born in any way I want!” In many cases this presentation is viewed as an automatic Cesarean, so it was wonderful how the attending midwife and obstetrician were supportive of this strong mama having a vaginal birth (and a VBAC at that!). By the way, this was the first face presentation the OB had seen in 17 years and the ONLY one the midwife had ever seen!

Facefirst Presentation Birth Photo
*Nudity involved, that’s why I only put a link to the photo. But it is a tastefully shot photo in black & white and well worth viewing!*

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